Revealing 7 indirect ways to exercise, increase your physical movement and burn more calories each day.

With many people’s daily lives nowadays being filled with many tasks to do, whether as working people, business owners, or even mothers, that leaves 1 day or 24 hours not enough time to exercise or take care of yourself. But as everyone already knows how important exercise is because it helps the body to be strong, sleep well, and have a good shape.
Climb the stairs
Since there’s an elevator, why tire yourself out taking the stairs? Stop thinking about it and take the stairs instead of the elevator. Taking the stairs increases your heart rate, helps with balance, and increases the strength of your lower extremities. Or, if you want to add more exercise, try taking the stairs two steps at a time to strengthen your calves even more.
Balancing on an exercise ball
Take away the time you spend sitting in a chair watching TV at home. Try changing from sitting in a regular chair to sitting on an exercise ball instead. While sitting on the ball, you can stretch your legs and arms and move your body. This method will increase your body’s flexibility, adjust your sitting posture to be in accordance with physiological principles, and also help reduce back pain.
Park further away
It may sound strange how parking far away can help you get exercise, but it definitely does because it means you have to walk more. If you’re running errands and have a little time, try parking farther away to give your legs a little work. Just remember to be mindful of your surroundings. If it’s nighttime or in a dark place, safety should be your first priority.
Have sex more often
Having sex is said to burn about 3.1 calories per minute for women and about 4.2 calories per minute for men. Although sex may not burn as many calories as running, it is still exercising and you will definitely get sweaty during sex. And to make it more fun, try new techniques. In addition to moving your body more, it also increases the bond with your partner.
This dance doesn’t mean you have to practice dancing seriously or go out to dance at a party. But while doing housework, whether it’s cooking, folding clothes or sweeping the house, use this time to turn on some music and move your body. Dancing is a good way to burn calories and also helps to improve your balance.
Raising animals
Raising animals, especially dogs, is another way to motivate us to move our bodies more. This is because taking them for walks regularly is also considered exercise. There was also research that said that people who own dogs and take them for walks regularly have more opportunities to move their bodies than others. It also helps with mental health because playing with pets releases chemicals that make the body happy
Exercise or stretch while watching TV.
Instead of sitting or lying down while you’re enjoying the TV, try to make the most of the time by moving your body. You can walk on the treadmill, exercise bike, or find a good position to stretch your arms and legs on the floor. So the next time you’re watching TV, don’t waste time – getting up and moving your body even during commercials is a great place to start.