Bacteria in the mouth

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Bacteria in the mouth create tooth decay, increasing the risk of disease. Bleeding, inflamed gums, cavity teeth, pain Bad breath. Poor oral health is a sad story. And not just making it lose its charm. Until losing confidence in meeting with other people It is also the cause of many diseases in your body.

Bacteria in the mouth

Bacteria in the mouth is increasing the risk of disease.

  1. Risk of heart disease and stroke.
    Several studies have identified a link between so-called gum disease. Tooth membranes (Periodontitis) with heart disease and increases the risk of stroke as well. Because these same bacteria cause periodontal disease symptoms such as swelling, bleeding and bone loss around teeth, they can spread into the bloodstream and enter the arteries by capturing the walls of the arteries that feed the heart. This causes the blood to clot together. In this way, the risk in the extracted blood will spread to the heart. This condition can mean a heart attack. It also causes problems with the blood flow to the brain. 
  2. Risk of cancer
    When bacteria cause your gums to swell It can also affect other tissues in your body. The US National Institutes of Health states that Prolonged infection has been linked to cancer growth. Because while the tumor grows Other tissues are also damaged and infected. 
  3. Risk of erectile dysfunction
    Research has revealed a link between infection and the risk of impotence. With preliminary research from Taiwan indicating that Men with erectile dysfunction were 79 percent more likely to be diagnosed with chronic periodontal disease than those without the disorder, and this chronic inflammation can also damage blood vessels.

  4. At risk for prostate problems

    The American Institute of Periodontology states that Prostate antigens (PSA) are enzymes produced in the prostate that are normally secreted less frequently. But when the prostate is infected or inflamed PSA levels have also increased. Men with periodic indicators are therefore more likely to have higher PSA levels. With a prostate infection as well. This is a problem and leads to prostatitis that affects men of all ages. According to the Harvard Medical Institute. There are both painful irritation, difficult ejaculation, pain in the perineal area.

How to fix oral health?

According to statistics, periodontal disease occurs in more men than women. Probably because I rarely go to the dentist. Experts therefore recommend that even if there is no gum disease or dental problems, you should see the doctor for cleaning and examination every six months. Prone to tooth decay, should go every 4 months. Flossing every day. And eating a little sugar and using water after eating a meal or a snack can help. Another benefit is chewing gum or mints that use xylitol, a sugar alcohol to sweeten as a sugar substitute. Because it will stimulate saliva to wash away bacteria from your mouth.